"3-4-Adventures" project at WSG

Volha, Belarus

Hello, everybody! My name is Olga and I am a girl from a country where people are crazy about potatoes as well as they are famous due to their generosity. Can you guess? You are right, it is Belarus. Nowadays I participate in EVS program in Bydgoszcz, Poland. It is almost 3 months since I have arrived in this country and I would like to share my impressions with you and also to tell some words about Bydgoszcz.

Every day my parents and friends ask me: „Olyushka, how are you, how is it for you?” Actually, it is a really good question and my answer is „Oh my got, guys, it is craziness everywhere!”. New culture, a new language with a huge amount of „psh-sh-tcz-szcz” sounds which are difficult but possible to pronounce, new tasty cuisine which is hard not to try and really polite and helpful people.

This program is my first such kind of experience as well as my first trip abroad. To be here is a great challenge for me which helps change my worldview, discover talents and look at people from the other side.

„3-4 Adventures” project helps me learn to learn and gives me real opportunities to improve my skills, competencies, exchange experience which I can share in the future. The feature of this project that I really appreciate is the possibility to develop and venture in different directions. It shows that my work is not monotonous here. We are involved to participate everywhere: start from the kindergarten, continue with Europe Direct, the Museum of Photography, International Affairs Office and finish The Daily Elderly Club. This program will not make you get bored, will this?

One more point which I would like to take into consideration is Bydgoszcz city. This is the place of the tastiest donuts (Pączki po Polsky) where you can see most of the inhabitants of this city; a great architectural combination of old and modern time, the city of the coldest weather (there is no so cold even in Belarus) which made me buy winter hats) as well as the atmosphere of peace and calmness.

Finally, I would like to say dears, don’t be shy, take a risk, choose projects of your soul and go on your own EVS crazy journey.

Davit, Armenia

Skills are never too much. Skills provided by international experience are never enough. Once you did your first step in the intercultural environment then you want more and more! I did my first EVS step in September 2018. It was time to challenge myself in a new country and forget a little bit about my comfort zone.
Hi from Armenia,  My name is David. I am writing from my workplace, which is only 500 meters away from my home where I live now.

I would like to say that my daily routine is awesome.

I work at the University of Economy in Bydgoszcz, where we organize various events, pieces of training, seminars for international students, and also we organize and participate in the “Erasmus+” Youth Exchange Program.

I also work in the Museum of Photography and Daily Elderly club, where we help to organize exhibitions, events, etc.

Besides working, I study and I’m also engaged in sports.

I can say that this will be one of the best and happiest years of my life. I am really happy to help these people. This project gave us chance to be part of a world without limits and stereotypes, a world of friendship and adventures where you can just grow and learn a lot, every day. For my unforgettable days, I am thankful to my sending organization Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO and hosting organization Bydgoszcz “Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki “. Both of them have made my EVS easy, productive, and cool.

Thank you very much for giving me such a chance․

Nino, Georgia

My name is Nino I am from Georgia.

I am in Poland for almost 3 months and for me the main challenge is the cold weather so far.

At this time I have familiarized myself with this country`s culture and lifestyle. There are many things which are new for me so this period is full of interesting moments.

Our Project "3-4 adventures" gives us chance to work in different places: the EU direct office, the elderly club, and the photography museum. These are places where I enjoy my time.

I am happy to be a part of polish art and cultural life, also I am very happy to make friends with elderly people and people with special needs. We organize very interesting events for international students and not only for them. In this period I've got the knowledge and necessary skills while actively participated in various events, I improved my world views. Also, this project gave me the chance to express my experience, creativity, and a positive character to others.

I also have opportunities to travel all over Poland and it is a great chance to know this country better.

For me, the polish language is also a big challenge and in these 3 months, I am trying to speak up as much as it is possible. I take books from the library and trying to communicate with Poles on their language in everyday life.

I think these3 months have changed my life quite well,  hope it will be more and more interesting and attractive to be in this project.



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