The University's Principles of Volunteering within the European Solidarity Corps

Bydgoszcz, 7-12-2018


The University's Principles of Volunteering within the European Solidarity Corps

The rules apply to actions:

arrival of volunteers

volunteer travels


1. Rules for the recruitment of volunteers

1.1 Unit responsible for recruitment

The Qualification Committee hereinafter referred to as the Commission, shall be the certification authority for the programme at the University of Economics. The Committee shall be composed of Erasmus+ Programme University Coordinator, specialist of the International Affairs Unit, Vice-Rector for International Affairs.

1.2 Selection criteria and formal requirements

A volunteer applying to come under the European Solidarity Corps must meet the following formal criteria:
(a) be over 18 years of age and not more than 30 years old;
b) the arrival of a national of a country eligible to participate in the European Solidarity Corps is allowed;

c) the volunteer must register with the European Solidarity Corps.

1.2.1 The method of recruitment of candidates at the University of Economy

The recruitment procedure consists of two stages:
(a) preselection of candidates on the basis of submitted documents (CV and cover letter),

(b) a proper selection, which involves conducting an interview in a foreign language via Skype.

1.2.2 The basic criteria for the selection of Candidates at the School of Economics are:

(a) Skype interview (0 to 10 points)
(b) CV (0 to 10 points)

(c) cover letter (0 to 10 points)

The points from the above list are added together and a ranking list is created, which allows preparing a list of people qualified for arrival and a reserve list.

2.  Responsibilities of the supporting and host organisation.

2.1. Supporting Organisation in the volunteer's home country:

- ensures that volunteers are adequately prepared for their arrival in accordance with their individual needs and learning opportunities, as well as with the guidelines for volunteer training and minimum quality standards developed by the European Commission;
- ensures, in cooperation with the host organisations, volunteers receive support for language preparation (if applicable, support for participation in an online language course);
- ensure that volunteers attend the pre-departure meeting if it is organised by the National Agency or SALTO;
- registers volunteers in the insurance database;
- provides assistance in obtaining a visa and other formalities;
- maintains contact with the volunteers and host organisations during the project;
- upon return, provides support to the volunteers in their reintegration into the host environment; enables the volunteers to share their experiences and learning outcomes; encourages promotion and exploitation of the results and learning outcomes; provides guidance and information on further education, training or employment opportunities; ensures the participation of the volunteers in the annual meeting organised by the National Agency in the country.
2.2. Supporting Organisation in the country of volunteering and Receiving Organisation:

- submits an application and bears financial as well as administrative responsibility for the whole project towards the National Agency or the Executive Agency;

- coordinates the whole project in cooperation with all support and host organisations;

- allocates the financial resources of the Voluntary Service to all supporting and host organisations;

- ensures that volunteers receive the Volunteer Information Package and participate in the whole Volunteer Training and Evaluation Cycle;

- ensures that volunteers are registered at the European Solidarity Corps base;

- performs all or part of the administrative tasks of the supporting or host organisations participating in the project;

- ensures, together with the supporting and host organisations, that each volunteer is covered by a European Health Insurance Card (if applicable) and by compulsory voluntary insurance as provided for by the European Solidarity Corps programme;

- provides support on visa matters together with support and host organisations for volunteers who need it. If necessary, the National Agencies/Executive Agency may issue a letter of support for the visa application;

- provides support during the learning/Youthpass Certificate award process and the European Solidarity Corps Certificate. It issues, together with the supporting organisation, the host organisation, the Youthpass Certificate and the European Solidarity Corps Certificate to those volunteers who wish to receive it at the end of their Volunteering project;

- designates a mentor who is responsible for providing individual support to the volunteers;

- designates experienced staff to supervise and guide volunteers' work;
- provides individual support and learning assistance to the volunteers;
- provides opportunities for volunteers to integrate into the local community, meet other young people, participate in social life and leisure activities, etc;
- ensure that volunteers participate in the on-site training and mid-term evaluation organised by NA or SALTO;
- provides opportunities for language learning and supports volunteers who are involved in language courses;
- providing common access to Voluntary Service: when selecting volunteers, host organisations cannot stipulate that volunteers should have a specific ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation or political opinion, etc., nor can they require a specific qualification or level of education;
- giving volunteers the opportunity to carry out clearly defined tasks, enabling them to use their own ideas, creativity and experience in their work.
Accommodation and boarding
It provides volunteers with adequate accommodation and food (or pocket money for food, also during holidays).
Pocket money
It provides the volunteers with appropriate individual support depending on the daily rate according to the rules of the European Solidarity Corps.

Local transport
It provides volunteers with the opportunity to use local means of transport.

It ensures the arrival/return of volunteers from their place of residence to their destination. The amount per travel is calculated by the Mobility Tool+ system.

Ensures, together with the supporting and host organisations, that each volunteer is covered by a European Health Insurance Card (if applicable) and by compulsory voluntary insurance as provided for by the European Solidarity Corps programme;

Public holidays

Each month, excluding the weekend, volunteers are entitled to two days off and public holidays, if any.




  • Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne
  • Pojazdy Szynowe PESA Bydgoszcz SA Holding
  • Mobica
  • PIT
  • Sunrise System
  • Rewital
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