Become a partner for Erasmus+ students and develop your skills!


Profile of the program

Just as on the other universities, also on WSG there is the executing programme simplifying integration in Poland for foreign students. Programme "Study Buddy+" aim is to introduce foreign students into polish reality, simplify integration in international environment as well as support intercultural interactions.

The supervision of the programme is provided by the International Affairs Office.

Who can take part in this program?

Students from University of Economy.

How they can participate?

They should be chosen by application procedure.

What kind of benefits will students gain?

  • Extra points for Erasmus+ Mobility
  • Pass  the subject “Key Social Competencies ”
  • Receive gadgets from Univers
  • Take part in various activities, trips and events
  • Make new friends and become familiar with different cultural background
  • Improve foreign languages with international students
  • Participate in Orientation Weeks

What kind of responsibilities do they should follow?

  • Contact Erasmus students before their coming to Poland (describe the way from airport/train station/ bus station to Bydgoszcz)
  • Say “Hello” in Bydgoszcz and help with accommodation in dormitory
  • Familiarize Erasmus students with city (some advice, tips, shops, pubs, clubs, restaurants)
  • Presente our University, campus, institution
  • Help with organizing Orientation Day
  • Help with buying phone card for Erasmus students
  • Help with organizing some events, trips, workshops for Erasmus students
  • Each Study Buddy should organize some free event for Erasmus Student

How to become a tutor? (recruitment process)

In order to become a participant of programme"Study Buddy" you should sign application form and send it in an email on adress dsm(at), fax (052 567 00 78) or deliver it by hand to the International Affairs Office (Building C, C014). Students are tutors till the end of studies at the University of Economy or after writting resignation of participating in the programme to the International Affairs Office



  • Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne
  • Pojazdy Szynowe PESA Bydgoszcz SA Holding
  • Mobica
  • PIT
  • Sunrise System
  • Rewital
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