Enjoy the Diversity


Dear Oliko Barbakadze, Edona Brati and Maid Hasicic, we don't say goodbye, we say see you soon!

Dear volunteers thank you sooo much for being with us in this unpredictable time! We are thankful for this year of smiles and jokes, for your kindness and responsibility, hardworking and cordiality, teamwork, and care of each other.
You brought new life experiences to our University society and showed your brilliant ideas, power, energy, curiosity, and willingness to learn.
We are proud of you and your well-done job!

Remember WSG University is always welcome to you!
Be cool and believe that everything is possible, the most important is a will to fulfill it!

Here you are more than welcome to check the WSG voluntary service activities and outcomes from 2018 to nowadays.

WSG university International Affairs Office - Volunteering under the #EUSC (byd.pl)



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