Orientation week at the WSG Bydgoszcz University


Orientation Week is organised for all incoming students during one week at the beginning of each semester. Students get familiar with the University, city and culture. They gain necessary information for their start at WSG and in Poland. Orientation week is a 6-day cycle of meetings with a group of students currently starting their studies at the WSG University. The main aim of the meetings is to introduce foreign students to a reality of studying and living in Poland.During these days they have the opportunity to visit our University, city and region.

We know that the new environment can be a stressful time for many — new surroundings, new peers and a high level of academic expectation make even the most confident student a little anxious. Just imagine how tough it can be for students whose main concern not only finding their way around campus but getting a grip on a different language, culture and customs.

From 26th of February till 3rd of March students at the WSG Bydgoszcz University got the chance of taking part in a well-prepared Orientation Week.

The program is designed to introduce students to the University, staff, and organizations. It also provides information and advice that will assist students in adjusting to the environment of the University and to living in Bydgoszcz.



  • Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne
  • Pojazdy Szynowe PESA Bydgoszcz SA Holding
  • Mobica
  • PIT
  • Sunrise System
  • Pracuj.pl
  • Rewital
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