Orientation Week at the WSG University


Cześć! Hello! ¡Hola! Ciao! Olá! Merhaba!
We are happy to announce the programme for Orientation week!
Let's start the new academic year with #WSGuniversity!

Orientation week
1 – 5 October 2019

Tuesday 1/10/2019
• 12:00 – Welcome meeting and workshop How to survive in Bydgoszcz
WSG Campus, Building C, C116
• 13:00 – Guided tour around WSG campus
• 19:00 Pizza party
Pub Kubryk
3 Podwale street

Wednesday 2/10/2019
• 09:45 - Guided Tour of Bydgoszcz *
WSG Campus, International Affairs Office, Building C, room C014
* Administration fee for “Guided Tour of Bydgoszcz + Trip to Toruń” is 20 PLN
The Fee should be paid by cash on the International Affairs Office before 2/10/2019
• 16:00 – Workshop Brief introduction to Polish history and culture
Venue: TBA

Thursday 3/10/2019
• 09:45 -19:00 Trip to Toruń *
WSG Campus, International Affairs Office, Building C, room C014
* Administration fee for “Guided Tour of Bydgoszcz + Trip to Toruń” is 20 PLN
The Fee should be paid by cash on the International Affairs Office before 2/10/2019

Friday 4/10/2019
• 16:00 – Workshop Academic culture: to do or not to do
Venue: TBA

Saturday 5/10/2019
• 10:00 – Inauguration of academic year
WSG Campus, Building M





  • Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne
  • Pojazdy Szynowe PESA Bydgoszcz SA Holding
  • Mobica
  • PIT
  • Sunrise System
  • Pracuj.pl
  • Rewital
© 2024 Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki