„Solidarni z Ukrainą” - scholarships for Ukrainian students



„Solidarni z Ukrainą” is a scholarship for Ukrainian students.

Students from Ukraine need and will receive specific help. It is not only financial support but also psychological and legal care. Thanks to the "Solidarni z Ukrainą" program, students from Ukraine who previously attended classes at WSG partner universities will now be able to continue their education at the Bydgoszcz university. They will receive scholarships and, additionally, legal and psychological assistance.

The WSG University, from the funds of the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), will pay monthly scholarships for six students who previously studied at our partner universities in Ukraine and wish to continue their studies with us. One of the forms of assistance is the exemption from tuition fees for the summer semester of 2021/2022 - says Marek Bogusz, director of the International Affairs Department at WSG in Bydgoszcz.

"Solidarni z Ukrainą" is a program financed from the own funds of the state budget. Grants were received by 98 Polish universities, most of them state-owned. The WSG University was among a dozen or so beneficiaries - private universities.



  • Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne
  • Pojazdy Szynowe PESA Bydgoszcz SA Holding
  • Mobica
  • PIT
  • Sunrise System
  • Pracuj.pl
  • Rewital
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